Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question about the upcoming Council elections? The answer may be listed below, or in our Frequently Asked Questions resource.
A Councillor:
- participates in strategic and long-term planning for the whole district
- participates in setting a budget and rates
- develops policy across a wide range of activities and services
- represents the district at functions as required
- reviews and develops bylaws for the district
- advocates on a wide range of issues
- coordinates and forms partnerships with other spheres of government and other agencies
- participates in the appointment and performance review of the chief executive officer
- acts on all these matters within a legislative and regulatory framework
- monitors the performance of the council organisation
- Fill in the online enrolment form on the website
- Visit a Post Shop and pick up a form
- Phone free on 0800 36 76 56
- Text your name and address to free text 3676 and the form will be posted out to you.
You can enrol to vote if:
- You are 18 years old or older and
- You are a NZ citizen, or permanent resident, or resident visa holder and
- You have lived in New Zealand for one year or longer continuously at some point.
- If you’re still 17 but are turning 18 by 11 October (last date for voting) you can enrol now.
Voting papers should be received by 22 September.
If you do not receive your voting papers, please contact the Deputy Electoral Officer: Email, call 06 374 4080, or visit any of our Customer Service Centres in Dannevirke, Eketāhuna, Pahiatua or Woodville.
Voting documents are being delivered progressively between Tuesday 9 September and Monday 22 September 2025. Please wait until after the 22 September mail delivery and call back if voting documents have not arrived by then.
If enquiry is after 22 September 2025, please talk to the Deputy Electoral Officer at Council for details on special voting.
Voting closes at 12 noon sharp on Saturday 11 October 2025. If sending your vote in via post, please ensure you post it no later than Friday 3 October so it is received in time to be counted. If dropping your vote back in to a Council Service centre, please ensure you have done this before 12 noon sharp on Saturday 11 October 2025. The cut off time and date must be strictly enforced to comply with legal requirements.
Please post your vote back using the reply-paid envelope supplied with your voting papers. You can find NZ Post locations online at
There are also ballot boxes at each of our Customer Service centres that you can drop your voting paper into.
Those using rural delivery services can usually place their outgoing mail in their letterbox and put the flag up for their contractor to collect. Check with your rural delivery contractor.
Alternatively, bring your vote with you when you travel to Dannevirke, Eketāhuna, Pahiatua and Woodville and drop it at one of our Customer Service Centres.
Yes, but you will need to enrol as a ratepayer elector for the Tararua district.
If you enrol as a ratepayer elector prior to 1 August 2025, you will receive voting documents in the mail. If you enrol after 1 August, which is when the electoral rolls close for this election, you will need to contact the Deputy Electoral Officer, or visit one of the Council Service Centres to apply for special voting documents as a ratepayer elector.
Tararua District Council uses the “First Past the Post’ (FPP) electoral system
Under an FPP voting system, the candidate or candidates that get the most votes wins. You should mark those you want to vote for with a tick in the circle next to the candidate's name. Do not vote for more than the number of candidates shown in the instructions.
An example:
Candidate ‘A’ gets 3,500 votes that equates to 35% of the vote.
Candidate ‘B’ gets 4,500 votes that equates to 45% of the vote.
Candidate ‘C’ gets 2,000 votes that equates to 20% of the vote.
Candidate ‘B’ wins the vote with 45% of the vote.
Special voting is available for:
- Electors that have spoilt their voting papers;
- Electors who were not on the electoral roll prior to 1 August 2025;
- Electors who did not receive their voting papers;
- Electors on the confidential roll;
- Ratepayer electors who did not register prior to 1 August 2025.
Special voting is available at Council Service Centres - for more information phone us on 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110, or email us on
Yes, you can authorise someone to assist you, but only if you are:
(a) physically impaired, or;
(b) unable to read or write, or;
(c) not sufficiently familiar with the language used in the voting document to vote without assistance.
Under the Local Electoral Act 2001, you cannot interfere or influence any person as to how they can vote.
Usually community organisations arrange ‘meet the candidate’ sessions.
Contact details for all candidates will be available from Council’s website as they are confirmed. We encourage residents to think about holding a session and have provided some guidelines which you may find useful.
How to hold a candidate meeting
Are you, your whānau and community keen to hear from Tararua’s election candidates? Here are some tips on how to make it happen.
We encourage community groups to consider holding events where you can connect with candidates. Make it an opportunity to share what matters to you.
Planning your candidate meeting
Decide on what you want to achieve and decide on the details – timings, venue, format.
Need help finding a venue? Contact us at
Plan to make your event safe and accessible for all.
Be creative with your format – it doesn’t have to be a traditional debate.
Hosting ideas:
- an informal meeting (afternoon tea style perhaps)
- small groups
- speed dating
- audience Q&A
- speeches and kai
Invite all candidates – it's important to have a good spread of candidate voices.
In the invitation outline:
- how long the event will run for
- the format you plan to use
- information about your group
Get the word out:
- Contact your own networks
- Advertise as widely as you can
- Let us know – we will publish the event on the Tararua District Council website and Facebook page
On the day
- Make sure the location is well signposted
- Scan the venue for safety and accessibility
- Be welcoming. Allocate someone to greet guests and candidates
- Allocate someone to facilitate and introduce the session format and candidates
- Keep to the format
- Allow each candidate a fair chance to speak
After your meeting
- Let people know how it went!
- Thank the candidates who attended
Any questions, contact us on:
If you can amend it so that your voting intention is clear, then do so and initial the changes. If necessary, we can issue you with a special voting document, but this will require you to complete a declaration.
Contact us at ‘ or ask for the deputy electoral officer on 06 374 4080
You can still cast a special vote.
Contact us at ‘ or ask for the deputy electoral officer on 06 374 4080
Voting papers are progressively delivered by NZ Post from 9 September until 22 September 2025.
They are sent to everyone that is enrolled on the Electoral Roll by 1 August 2025.
You can check your details on the electoral roll by calling 0800 36 76 56 or visiting Voters on the unpublished roll are sent a letter from the Electoral Commission advising when voting opens and that they can visit or contact Tararua District Council to cast a special vote.