Governance Structures and Processes
This page outlines the Committee Structures and related delegations of authority adopted by Council, and appointments of elected members to external organisations.
Tararua District Council
Meetings of the full Council are held monthly, on the last Wednesday of each month. Council meetings hold the highest authority in the Council's decision-making structure, and are chaired by Her Worship the Mayor. For efficiency, the Council has delegated many of its powers to committees, and some powers are delegated to officers.
There are some powers of the Council that cannot be delegated. These include the power to make a rate, the power to make a bylaw, and the power to adopt an Annual Plan, Long-term Plan or Annual Report.
Council Committees
After each triennial election, the Council reviews its committee structure. Council's current committee structure was adopted by Council on 16 November 2022. The details of each committee, and its related terms of reference including delegations of athority, are published below.
Appointments to Outside Organisations
Council may from time to time appoint elected members as Council representatives to external organisations or groups, as well as to joint committees formed with other Councils in the region.
Details of such appointments can be found on the Council Organisations page (under construction).
Triennial Agreement
The Triennial Agreement is an agreement to work cooperatively and collaboratively with the other Councils in the region. This is required to be signed each triennium under Section 15 of the Local Government Act 2002 by the first of March in the year following the election.
The Triennial Agreement for the 2022-25 triennium was endorsed by Council on 14 December 2022.