Rates Review: Town Centre Refurbishment

Let’s consider making our town centre refurbishment costs into one district wide rate. We are one Tararua and together we support each other to thrive, powering the progress of the entire district.

Right now our town centre refurbishment rate is split, so there’s a rate for Dannevirke in the North and Woodville, Pahiatua, and Eketāhuna in the South. That’s because historically when town refurbishment has occurred, the town getting the makeover pays an extra 10%, and the rest of the cost is split equally.

We’re keen to simplify this with one district wide rate and avoid the North vs. South vibe that’s not great for our district unity.

What's happening now?

Council have already been looking at ways to switch to one district wide rate for town centre refurbishment and no new money is needed: it’s simply shifting rates around.

If we moved to one district wide charge, in 2024/25 the new rate will be $66.67 p.a. - so that’s a reduction of $7 p.a. for the south and an increase of $7 p.a. for the north.

We’re also moving away from the North vs. South language in our policies, so we can thrive as one district together.

It’s important to note for ratepayers who have already paid a lump sum for the Dannevirke town centre refurbishment - you won’t pay again with the new district wide rate. There will still be a charge for the Dannevirke Town Centre Refurbishment for ratepayers that did not take up the Lump Sum Option. You’ve got five years for that transition, and once it’s done, all ratepayers will end up paying just ‘The District Town Centre Refurbishment Rate’ on your rates notice.

We need your feedback on this proposal so we can make a final decision.

Here are the options:

  • Option One: No change
  • Option Two (our preferred option): District wide town refurbishment rates.

More information on the options can be found in the document below.

Town Centre Refurbishment Fact Sheet
Download PDF file (423.6 KB)