Pahiatua Swimming Pool

Pahiatua’s making a splash with plans for a new indoor aquatic facility, and it’s decision time. Council’s gearing up to dive in - the big question is, how deep?

Collaborating with Bush Aquatic Trust, Council has conducted a feasibility study and community survey, looking into a new indoor aquatic facility for Pahiatua. The current Pahiatua outdoor pool is nearing its end of life cycle, has hefty maintenance costs, and is limited to a 10-week, weather dependent swim season which limits its capabilities.

The proposed indoor aquatic facility is seen as a long-term solution that could cater for future growth in our district. The proposed facility isn’t just a pool; the ‘Sprung swimming pool’ design is a year-round hub for swim education, from school programs to private lessons. Plus, it caters to club swimming and offers a therapeutic space for older members of the community. The pool will operate as a programmed swimming pool, which will also reduce the operating cost.

With community needs and future growth in mind, this project is an exciting opportunity for Pahiatua and its surrounding communities.

What's happening now?

The new indoor aquatic facility comes with a $6.1 million price tag. Bush Aquatic Trust have fundraised $2.5 million. They are now asking Council for a $2.5 million fundraising boost, which will leave them with approximately $1.1 million to find.

Council has already contributed $600,000 to get the project through the design and tender phases and now we need to consider whether we make the additional contribution of $2.5 million.

The fundraising journey will also need to continue, and while the timeline remains uncertain, the vision for a new, future proof indoor aquatic facility is steadily taking shape.

It is intended that this asset will be vested back into Council and Council will take over the ownership of this asset.

Here are the options:

  • Option One: Do nothing.
  • Option Two (our preferred option): Fund the $2.5 million, and once complete the indoor aquatic facility becomes a Council-owned asset.

More information on the options can be found in the document below.

Pahiatua Swimming Pool Fact Sheet
Download PDF file (286.3 KB)