Draft Alcohol Bylaw

Closed: 31 July 2024

Tararua District Council seeks your views on its draft Alcohol Bylaw 2024.

The current Alcohol Bylaw was adopted in 2018 and is now due for review.

The main changes proposed by the Council include:

  • Using the term ‘alcohol’ instead of liquor.
  • Placing the exclusion (for unopened bottles or containers) into an explanatory note, as it is explicitly provided for in section 147 of the Local Government Act 2002.
  • Using the term ‘Alcohol Ban Area’ instead of ‘Designated Public Place’, to make the meaning and purpose of such areas more easily understood.
  • Creating the ability for persons to apply to Council for a consent for any activity that would otherwise be in breach of the bylaw; and the ability for Council to issue a consent with conditions for such activities.
  • Simplifying the powers of arrest, search and seizure provisions in the bylaw by reference to the powers available to the Police under the Local Government Act 2002 (and the requirements on the Police under the Local Government Act 2002 when exercising such enforcement powers), noting that bylaw copies legislation provisions.

Statement of Proposal
Download PDF file (173.4 KB)
Proposed Alcohol Bylaw
Download PDF file (700.8 KB)
Report to Committee
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