Notified Resource Consents

On this page you can find out about any publicly notified resource consents below and how you can make a submission.

Notified resource consent open for public submission

Making a submission on a Resource Consent

The submission process for proposed applications varies depending on whether the application is publicly or limited notified. In the case of a public notification, anyone can submit their support or opposition to the proposal. However, if the application is limited notified, only those who are affected by the proposal, as determined by the Council planner, are eligible to make a submission. The Council will inform those who are considered affected before formally notifying them, giving them the option to proceed or not.

All submissions must be made in writing using the prescribed form and delivered to the Council either by hand, mail, or email. The applicant must also be provided with a copy of the submission as soon as possible after delivery. Submissions must be made within 20 working days of the notification date.

Details of any submission made will be available to the public. Those submitting should indicate whether they wish to be heard in a hearing.

In cases where both the applicant and the submitter/s agree, a pre-hearing meeting may be held.

This informal setting provides an opportunity to discuss concerns and potentially resolve issues before the hearing.

Notice of submission to resource consent
Download PDF file (95.6 KB)

Preparing your submission

Please ensure the following before you prepare your submission:

  • Talk to the applicant or the Council Planner - this may allay your concerns regarding the proposal.
  • Consult organisations or individuals able to provide technical information on the cause and consequence of effects and possible ways to reduce or avoid undesirable effects.

Your submission needs to be in the prescribed form (see form below). Your submission should focus on the environmental effects of the proposal. Your submission cannot raise effects relating to trade competition. Council cannot consider effects on trade competition.

When preparing the submission:

  • Address the activity applied for and environmental effects arising from this activity only.
  • Clearly identify which part or parts of the proposal your comments refer to.
  • Fully explain how the proposal will affect you and how those effects could be dealt with.
  • Adequately explain any request you make.
  • Advise whether you wish to be heard (speak to your submission at a hearing).

The applicant or any person who makes a submission on an application can appeal the decision to the Environment Court.