Applying For Resource Consent
You will need to apply to Council for a land use or subdivision resource consent if:
- the proposed activity or structure does not fully comply with all the relevant rules in the District Plan
- you want to subdivide land or buildings for separate ownership
How Do I Apply?
Applications for subdivisions can be complicated. That is why we require accurate and detailed plans. We strongly recommend that you use the services of a qualified surveyor to prepare your application and plans.
Resource Consent Application Form
The process of obtaining a resource consent is set out in the Resource Management Act 1991. You must complete an application form and provide all the relevant information before the Council can approve an application and grant a consent.
- Complete a resource consent application form (PDF file, 439.2 KB)
- Complete a Hail Form (PDF file, 160.0 KB)
- Complete an outline plan/outline plan waiver application form
- Complete an Application for a Right of Way
We recommend you download our Subdivision in the Tararua District guide to find out more information.
Preparing Your Resource Consent Application
- A detailed report describing how the District Plan rules will be met and how any adverse effects that may be caused by the subdivision will be mitigated.
- An appropriately scaled subdivision plan/scheme plan prepared by a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor or Planning Consultant showing all relevant information including but not limited to:
- the position of all new boundaries
- the net area of all new allotments
- the location and areas of new reserves to be created
- the position of existing and proposed easements
- A recent copy of the title for the land in the application (less than 3 months old). This can be requested from Land Information New Zealand.
- Important note: If you are proposing to vest (transfer) land to Council as part of your application, or if your proposal affects Council land, it is very important that you speak to Council staff before you submit your application. Council must comply with a number of regulations, acts, policies and bylaws outside of the Resource Management Act 1991 and in some situations the Council may need to make separate decisions on your proposal which will affect whether it can happen, even if we grant your resource consent.
Lodging Your Application and Paying Fees
- Send your application to or bring in your completed application
- Pay the required fees
If you wish to pay via internet banking, the Council bank account details are as follows:
Account Name – Tararua District Council
Account Number – 03-0614-0088406-01
For Subdivision Consents:
Particulars | Code | Reference |
Surname | 468 | Address |
The Resource Management Act 1991 outlines the process of obtaining a resource consent.
Preparing Your Resource Consent Application
- Complete a resource consent application form
- Complete an assessment of environmental effects (AEE) | Ministry for the Environment
Note: you can help to make sure your consent application is processed quickly if you:
- Ensure you talk to the Council staff early on about what you want to do
- Talk to people who you or the Council thinks might be affected by your proposal
- Give the Council a well prepared assessment of the environmental effects
- Ensure you provide all the correct information on your application
- Respond quickly to requests for further information
Lodging Your Application and Paying Fees
- Send your application to or bring in your completed application
- Pay the required fee
If you wish to pay via internet banking, the Council bank account details are as follows:
Account Name – Tararua District Council
Account Number – 03-0614-0088406-01
For Land Use Consents:
Particulars | Code | Reference |
Surname | 465 | Address |
When applying for a consent, there are many people involved who may be affected.
Talk to your neighbours and other people that might be affected by your proposal. These people are referred to as affected parties. You might be able to obtain their affect party approval by asking them to complete an affected party approval form. Following amendments to the RMA in October 2017, there are two different forms:
If you have any questions, please contact:
Planning Team
Phone: 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110
Address: 26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke
Postal: PO Box 115, Dannevirke 4942