Preferred Dog Owner Status

11 March 2025

Have you applied for Preferred Owner Status?

Preferred Owner Status is a special dog owner status that recognises good,
responsible dog owners and entitles them to a reduced annual dog registration fee.

Your dog must be registered for at least a year before you are eligible to apply for the Preferred Owner Status.
Applications for preferred dog status are due by 25 April 2025. If your dog is granted preferred status, you will be eligible for the reduced fee for the following registration year. For this financial year the one-off fee for Preferred Dog Owner Application is $85.

How do I become a Preferred Dog Owner?

1. Adequate housing for the dogs. (for details please see our applications form).

2. No impounding, infringements, justified complaints, or late registration payments/ penalties within the last two years.

3. Existing dog numbers comply with Tararua District Council Bylaws. (A permit is required if you keep three or more dogs on a property.

4. All dogs owned or kept by you must have a current registration at all times and comply with microchipping requirements.

When do I need to apply by?

You need to have submitted an  application before Friday 25 April 2025.

Where can I find more information and the application form?

please go to or call us on 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110