80th Anniversary of Little Poland

21 October 2024

In just under two weeks, it will be 80 years since the lives of 733 Polish children, mostly orphans, and the Pahiatua community as a whole, changed forever.  They had endured exile and the deathly cold of Siberia, then the blistering heat of Iran before being offered safe passage to New Zealand and sanctuary at the "Little Poland" camp in Pahiatua.

With their arrival there followed a legacy of compassion and belonging that endures to this day.  The children were welcomed by the Pahiatua community with open arms; however, they would not be children forever; they grew up and went on to have lives and careers, becoming self-sufficient and hard-working loyal citizens.  We are grateful for them contributing to the community and country as a whole, thankful they came to New Zealand and forever cherishing their heritage.

Today, the bond between the Tararua District and Poland, like the spirit of those children 80 years ago, is unbreakable and we have an enduring relationship with Pahiatua's twin town of Kazimierez Dolny situated on the bank of the Vistula River n the South East of Poland.  Like Pahiatua 80 years ago, Kazimierez Dolny has welcomed children fleeing the horrors of war, taking in children and families displaced by fighting in the Ukraine.  In 2022 our district raised $10,199 which went directly to Kazimierez Dolny to assist their ongoing aid to Ukrainian children they had welcomed.

We have a wonderful relationship with the office of the Polish Ambassador to New Zealand and many events have taken place with their participation, such as the 26 May 2023 naming of Pōrana, meaning "Poland" in Te Reo Māori at the Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre or the 23 March 2023 Pahiatua Charter Parade, and, of course, Armistice Day.

From 1 - 3 November, New Zealand, Poland and Pahiatua will celebrate the arrival of the Polish Children, the enduring memory of their lives and the friendship between the children, our community and out two countries.  A full and varied programme of events will take place in Pahiatua and Wellington over these three days.  1 November is an invite only day of invites but on 2 November the celebration includes a street fair, film screenings about the children, a concert, art competition, window decorating, kapa haka and, finally, a poroporoaki - leave taking, as our guests depart for a third day of celebration in Wellington.

We would love to see everyone on 2 November, from all over our district, in Pahiatua to share in the celebration of such a remarkable story of endurance, compassion and belonging.