Dannevirke water supply fluoridation update

8 July 2024

Dannevirke water supply fluoridation update

The installation and commissioning of a fluoridation plant in Dannevirke is progressing, with completion on track for the extended 30 September deadline as instructed by the Director-General of Health on 06 June 2024. The directive to fluoridate Dannevirke’s drinking water has been a contentious issue, with differing community views being expressed to Council.

Authority to make decisions regarding fluoridation rests with the Director General of Health, not the Tararua District Council. The directive to fluoridate remains in place, not following this directive is an offence and will result in severe penalties. This was reiterated recently in correspondence between the Mayor and the Ministry  of Health, where Council requested to delay the fluoridation until the legal certainty regarding the direction to fluoridate was finalised.

To avoid these significant financial penalties, Tararua District Council has decided to proceed with the design, final funding release, Ministry of Health approval, and installation of the fluoridation plant by the extended deadline of 30 September 2024. Council is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations by completing and commissioning the fluoridation plant.

Currently, the directive only applies to the Dannevirke water supply, but the Director-General of Health is considering extending it to include the Woodville and Pahiatua water supplies. Council has received no further communications regarding other towns.

For any enquiries please contact us at info@tararuadc.govt.nz or give the team a call (06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110)