Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust fund open for applications

2 April 2024

Applications now closed.

The Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust Fund is open for applications from communities, iwi, hapū and marae in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, East Coast, Hawke’s Bay regions and the Tararua District.

The Trustees have decided to target the medium to long-term needs of communities, iwi, hapū and marae in affected regions.

“One of the lessons learned from the devastating 2011 Christchurch earthquakes is that it takes some time for longer-term needs to become clear. The Fund was set up to help ensure those needs are supported” says Trustee Barbara Arnott QSO.

“We have been told there are many small-scale projects that communities, iwi, hapū and marae want and they can move quickly to complete. We want to fund these.”

Thanks to donations from the public, the Trust has $14 million for project grants. This is made up of all the donations to the appeal (including the special Lotto draw), and all interest earned to date.