A wet Dannevirke summer delays sports courts upgrade.

Monday, 29 May 2023

In March 2022, Plexipave NZ, a renowned provider of court surfacing solutions, was contracted to carry out the resurfacing of the Dannevirke multi-sport courts. Plexipave advised TDC, the resurfacing process could only be carried out during the summer months, from October to March, as the courts require optimal heat for proper installation and curing. For this reason, works were scheduled to take place in November 2022.

Prior to the re-surfacing works commencing, the underlying drainage issues that were causing surface cracks needed to be addressed. Tararua Alliance, in collaboration with Downer, was engaged to dig out the soft spots and relay the asphalt. A hui was held with Plexipave NZ, Tararua Alliance and Downer to review the project plan and ensure that all elements were in order to proceed with the work as scheduled. Netball, tennis and pickleball were engaged to ensure they were involved in the project process.

As the scheduled work period in November 2022 approached, Dannevirke experienced heavy rainfall, creating wet ground conditions that were unsuitable for the necessary ground preparation work. Despite the efforts of the contractors, the ground did not dry out sufficiently to allow for the asphalt to be laid and the required 30-day curing time.

Given the ongoing wet weather and the potential for significant disruption to court usage and duplication of costs if the work was split into two stages, it was decided to defer the resurfacing of the courts to summer 2023. This decision will ensure that the resurfacing can be completed efficiently and effectively, providing the community with upgraded facilities for multiple sports.

The work will be undertaken during the summer months of 2023, ensuring optimal weather conditions for a successful installation, and curing process. Regular updates and notifications will be provided to the community to keep them informed about the progress of the project.

Tararua District Council understands the Dannevirke community is eager to see the improvements to the sport courts, and the decision to postpone the project was not taken lightly. TDC, along with the project partners, remains committed to delivering high-quality facilities that will enhance sporting experiences for the community.