Handy Hints for Selling Food at Fundraising Events

As the holiday season nears, there are more opportunities for individuals to sell food at fundraising events.

If you are thinking of selling food there are a few things you need to consider when preparing your stall to ensure that safe and suitable food is sold.

Your goal is to safely prepare, transport, display and sell safe and suitable food at the event and you should consider:

  • Personal hygiene – stay away if sick
  • Transporting/storing food – separate cooked and raw foods, keep covered
  • Preparing food – buy fresh food and prepare close to event
  • Cook food well – thickest part of food should be above 75°C
  • Displaying food – keep hot above 60°C or chilled below 5°C
  • Know your ingredients – have a recipe or the cook available to answer questions.

Remember to keep hot food hot (above 60°C) using a pie warmer, BBQ or bain marie and cold food cold (below 4°C) using an icepack and chilly-bin to keep food cold outdoors.

Have a handwashing area, and if you are using gloves they must fit the size of your hand, and will need to be changed often, especially if handling raw and cooked foods. Have a separate person handling the cash and also have hand sanitisers available.
All foods, including meat, must be purchased from an approved supplier like the supermarket or butcher. It is illegal to sell or commercially prepare home kill meat or recreational catch.

For more information:

Council is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding food stalls and can provide an information brochure/checklist. You can get in touch with our friendly Council team by phoning 06 374 4080 (north) or 06 376 0110 (south), alternatively you can email info@tararuadc.govt.nz.