Christmas message from the Mayor
2021 started with promise: Our nation had succeeded in keeping Covid out and we attended gatherings and enjoyed a summer without masks. Then along came Delta and our lifestyles changed.
This has taught us we don’t always know what is around the corner and we can only control what we have the ability to influence. We have largely been resilient in adapting to so much change. 2022 will bring further challenges for us all, but I am confident we will continue to work together and find solutions.
Our council offices will close on Friday, December 24 at midday until Monday, January 10 although afterhours will be operating for emergency contact and dog control.
Thanks goes to the great team of staff we have working here at council. They have worked incredibly hard this year and are looking
forward to being able to relax and unwind over the holidays.
The pressure has been unrelentless with the growth our district has experienced, weather and water challenges and ensuring we
deliver the very best we can to residents. Staff so often go above and beyond and we are very grateful and fortunate to have a
team who care deeply for the communities they serve.
This holiday I won’t be travelling too far away as Mike and I are expecting our first grandchild which is very exciting. But I am
planning to visit a couple of locations in the Tararua District which have been on my bucket list. We all need to refresh and look
after ourselves and spending time with family is always wonderful.
We look forward to 2022 when we roll out our new Land of Ranges signage and start work on our Tararua 2050 District Strategy.
On behalf of all the staff and councillors of the Tararua District, we wish you a safe and merry Christmas.
Noho ora mai,
Tracey Collis