Woodville Community Pool

Facilities and Management

The management of the Woodville Community Swimming Pools is contracted out to the Woodville Swimming Pool Committee. Woodville Pool operates during the summer only.

It has a 25m pool, learners pool and toddlers pool.

2024/25 Opening Hours (Currently Closed)

The Woodville swimming pool closed on 23 March for the season.  The pool will open later in the year for the summer 20025/26 season.

Opening  times:
Christmas holidays: 1 - 6pm (weather dependant)
School term: 3 - 6pm (weather dependant)

2025 "Mid-Year Plunge"

Keep an eye out on our website news and Facebook page ( www.facebook/tararuadc ) in July for details on our mid-year charity plunge

General Information and Contact Details

Children under 8 must be actively supervised by a caregiver 16 or over. Actively supervised means watching your child at all times, and being able to provide immediate assistance. Children under 5 must be within arms reach at all times.

Woodville Community Swimming Pools
Vogel Street, Woodville - Google Map
Phone: 027 332 3737