Cemetery Fees & Charges
For details of where our main and historical cemeteries are located go to our cemetery search page
Unit | Fee ($) | |
Interments | ||
Adult | 1,800.00 | |
Child between ages 2-14 years | 500.00 | |
Child under 2 years including stillborn and neonatal | 250.00 | |
Ashes and urns interred in ground | 230.00 | |
Scattering of ashes in cemetery areas - Mangatera Cemetery only (using Council or Council contract staff, no charge otherwise) | actual cost | |
Saturdays (all day Saturday - additional to internment charges as above) | Burial Ashes | 900.00 115.00 |
Sundays and Public Holidays (all day Sunday and Public Holidays - additional to interment charges as above) | Burial Ashes | 1,800.00 230 .00 |
Returned Servicepersons in Servicemen’s plot area or in lawn where no Servicemen’s area exists | no charge | |
Exhumation and/or re-interment | actual cost | |
Purchase of Plots | ||
Adult - new lot at time of internment | 1,400.00 | |
Child between ages 2-14 years | 500.00 | |
Child under 2 years including stillborn and neonatal | 250.00 | |
Returned Servicepersons in Servicemen’s plot area or in lawn where no Servicemen area exists | no charge | |
Ashes Plot (lawn) | 400.00 | |
Columbarium Wall niche | 350.00 | |
Memorial Wall plaque site | 80.00 | |
District-wide plot reservation fees (at time of internment, maximum of one adjoining plot at the time of internment) | per plot | 1,400.00 |
District-wide plot reservation fees (maximum of two plots) | per plot | 2,800.00 |
Miscellaneous | ||
Out of district additional fee (for persons not resident nor ratepayers in the district) | 2,000.00 | |
Permit to erect memorials | 80.00 | |
Breaking concrete | actual cost | |
Manual records search (per entry, per hour) | 160.00 + actual costs (if any - e.g. travel to cemetery) | |
Resoiling old removed concrete plots | per plot | actual cost |
Kerbing resoiled old concrete plots | per plot | actual cost |
Transfer of burial rights | per plot | 160.00 |
Plot cancellation (reserved plots) | per plot | 200.00 |