Contact Us

You are welcome to visit any of our service centres and our team will help in any way they can. Our customer service staff are usually the first point of contact with Council and can assist you either by answering your questions or putting you on to someone who can.

Telephone 24 Hours, 7 Days

06 374 4080 (North)
06 376 0110 (South)

An online option for service is also available by emailing us. Emails are monitored during office hours - if urgent please use the phone numbers above.

For regular community  updates you can also follow us on Facebook.

Council Service Centres

Dannevirke Service Centre
26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke - Google Map
PO Box 115, Dannevirke 4942

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Phone: 06 374 4080 (24 hours)

Eketāhuna Service Centre & Library
31 Main Street, Eketāhuna - Google Map

Monday - Friday
10:30am - 12:30pm & 1:00pm - 4:30pm

Phone: 06 376 0114 (24 hours)

Pahiatua Service Centre
136 Main Street, Pahiatua - Google Map

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Phone: 06 376 0110 (24 hours)

Woodville Service Centre & Library
45 Vogel Street, Woodville - Google Map

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 5:00pm

Phone: 06 376 0200 (24 hours)

Council service centres are closed on public holidays.

Antenno - our notification and reporting app

Antenno is a free to download app for Apple and Android devices that allows you to report issues to us accurately and rapidly. It also enables Council to send you notifications and alerts about useful and important information.

Antenno is easy to use and is free. Once you have the app you can receive or send your information 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week, 52 weeks of the year. Council will receive and action your reports during normal working hours. If your report is outside of normal working hours and is urgent then call us on 06 374 4080 (North) or 06 376 0110 (South) (24 hours).

You can use Antenno to report issues to Council, such as:

  • Rubbish dumping
  • Water leaks
  • Road damage
  • Feedback or great ideas

For more information look at the slideshow below or to find out how to download and use Antenno, go to our Antenno page.

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