Bin wet wipes and save our pipes

Wet wipes are blocking up our sewage systems.

When wet wipes are flushed down the toilet, they cause blockages in pipes which can cost ratepayers a lot of money to fix. If a blockage happens on your own property in your private pipes, you or your landlord will have to pay a good sum of money to fix the problem.

Most wet wipes are not biodegradable, even if they claim to be flushable. Wet wipes contain plastic – they don’t disintegrate like toilet paper. They tend to get stuck in pipes and bind with fat to create rock-hard fatbergs. These can cause blockages, sinkholes and wastewater overflows, which damage our environment and pose public health risks. This is a real threat that does not only happen in large cities. In 2017, a fatberg in Dannevirke caused a sinkhole and nasty smells across town. With the use of anti-bacterial wet wipes on the rise to protect against COVID-19, Council teams have been dealing with more blockages to our wastewater systems.

What can you do to help?

  • Only flush the three Ps – pee, poo and paper.
  • Keep a bin by your toilet and in your bathroom to dispose of anything else.
  • Use a flannel and warm water instead.